Fat Liberation For All
Fat Liberation For All

Fat Self-Care Blog
I wanted to share some of my all time fav SHAME FREE body care tools so that yall could find them easily! These are all through Amazon because its an accessible way for me to share and get a little commission back if you shop through the links. I do know the problematic nature of Amazon, so feel free to use the info and shop for these products locally. I honor your values and want you to make the best choice for you!
How do we exist in Fat bodies in an anti-fat world?
I’ve been engaged in fat liberation and community organizing for over 10 years. And still, I notice the churn of “new year new me” culture poking me every January. It’s like a thorn in my side now, but when I started it felt like a dagger to the heart.
Let’s talk about chub rub
Three great Chub Rub Prevention Methods:
Monistat Chafing Relief Powder Gel: It’s easily applied like a gel or lotion, but has a powder finish when applied. You may need to reapply but this is a great go-to when you don’t want to wear anti-chafing shorts…