Fat Travel tips and tricks
Navigating airports, different countries, and public transportation systems can be confusing and sometimes scary and anxiety producing. Here are a few tips to help you plan:
Give yourself lots of time. That way, you can pace the walk to your gate with ample seating breaks. If you require transportation support at the airport, arriving early will give you time to get that support.
Depending on the country, you may be able to get more support than others. There may be car services that you can hire for the entire trip. There are also all-inclusive travel packages that include onsite golf carts to take you around the facility. The suite packages often offer them with the room, but calling ahead they may be able to accommodate you even without the package.
Never let the fear of what people may think about your fat needs stop you from calling, or having a friend or family member call, to ask what’s possible for meeting your accessibility needs. Sometimes spaces are inaccessible. This isn’t a reflection of your needs being excessive; it’s about the space being inherently fatphobic. Knowing this helps you choose how you want to spend your travel money, and with whom.
***Fat people make up 36% of the United States population alone. If you think your dollars aren’t powerful, think again. Speak up and ask for what you need.
Flying while fat
This is usually the most tricky part of traveling in a fat body, but there are options for you:
Fly Southwest: They offer a customer of size policy where fat folks are given a second seat (if available) and can pre-board. **If you have anxiety and the ability to purchase 2 seats, you can buy 2 and they will reimburse you after the trip.
If the pricing is accessible, first class is always the most comfortable way to fly while fat, not only are the seats more spacious and leg room is ample. But because of capitalism you also get treated with more care and respect, you get to board the plane first and exit first.
Travel with a fat friend and split a second seat, that way you can share the cost of the extra seat. **Please remember to have the flight attendants scan all boarding passes, we have heard stories of folks being denied their second seat on the returned flight because they forgot to get the extra seat scanned on the way over.
Figure out what kind of a flyer you are. Do you like to sit and stay hunkered down for the full flight? This makes you a window seat person (Unless you are over 6ft tall, then the headspace gets tight). Do you like to get up and stretch your legs, or pee a lot (lol as if we could comfortably pee)? The aisle is the place for you! Make sure to always check in early to ensure you are never trapped in the middle seat.
Fat Travel Gear
No matter the type of travel you’re doing, there are a few products that can make your life much easier. Sometimes having these types of comfort items can help inspire us to try new things that previously felt out of reach:
It’s nice to have a super sturdy and comfy camping chair in the car for local travel. That way, if you’re going to a park to chill, camping over the weekend, or sitting by a body of water after work, you have something reliable to sit on.
For those if us in superfat or infinifat bodies, or those with mobility challenges that impact reach, having a travel bidet or a freedom wand for using the bathroom away from home is vital. Finding these products brings freedom where shame used to be. When we are able to care for our bodies from anywhere we are more likely to want to adventure.
Bring your own seatbelt extender. This takes away a whole slew of unnecessary shame. They are easy to toss in a bag and can bring about great relief on a stressful day of traveling.
Sleep Apnea Pro Tip: For Cpap Users consider investing in a resmed travel cpap, its smaller for travel and has kits with alt plugs you can purchase for different countries (it’s slightly louder but doesn’t require distilled water so it’s a fair trade off). If you like camping, consider snagging a portable power supply; this makes sleeping with sleep apnea easy. It’s also a great back up for if your power goes out and you still want to sleep.

You deserve to explore this wild and strange planet!
Fat Self-Care Retreats
After being asked for over 5 years, I decided it’s time to start creating travel experiences where we can navigate the trials and tribulations of fat travel together. On our Fat Self-Care Trips, we will connect in community, practice joyful movement (from any mobility level), meditation, and explore fat self-care on a deeper level. Gathering in retreat is a way to step away from the day-to-day and tap into what we want to call into our lives. We will rest and explore new places in fat luxury.
**Fat self-care trips coming soon, we need to get through this next winter wave of Covid and see where we land. We care deeply about your safety and are following the scientific data as it unfolds, please protect your community and continue to mask as you travel.