THe power of seeing fat excellence
Last weekend I had the complete and utter privilege of seeing LIZZO, perform live in Portland, OR. There were a few things I noticed about the experience that really got me thinking about the power of seeing fat excellence and how little of that we actually get to witness. The inspiration that filled my body had a new flavor, it was an overpowering intoxicating type of inspiration. I felt it in every fiber of my being, I dare say it actually helped me launch fat self-care the Monday following (thank you LIZZO for that!).
Video of Lizzo performing in 2022 in Portland, OR
So often we are force-fed the narrative that… "If fat people could starve enough or aggressively move enough, they would achieve greatness. Our whole life’s preoccupation revolves around the sad and depressing idea that “No matter what I do I only long to be thin”. Believing that only then can we gain social capital and finally be valued members of society yada yada yada… Performing allegiance to thinness yada yada yada…
I hate to burst your bubble but that’s just another diet culture mind fuck. So as I sat in my ADA- section seat (because I am super-fat and can’t fit in the armed section seating) I let LIZZO’s greatness wash over me. I saw this stunningly gorgeous and extremely talented fat artist take hold of a sold-out 19,980-capacity show and take us to a higher place. She reminded us about self-love, and self-care, and believing in our power and capacity. I left that show floating on a cloud, so damn proud of my comrade in fatness being a literal show-stopper.
Now this is my second time seeing LIZZO, the first time was in a small venue it was super intimate and she brought the heat in a wild-feminist t-shirt with 2 OG Big Girl dancers. To see how this woman has taken this industry and made a space for herself to be fat and fabulous is brilliant and inspiring and she deserves the world, thank you for paving the way for more fat performers and singers and models, and entrepreneurs. **This is an aside but, I really wish we could have Yitty without the words “shapeware” because that is inherently anti-fat, but never the less I am so proud to see a fat Icon thriving and to be inspired by that greatness is the gift we all get!
Here are the ways I found body freedom throughout the experience:
Permission to dress up and be a little more scandalous and fabulous. Not only did I feel that permission, but every fat person I saw was in sparkles, or had belly showing, or were just in their best and most cute looks! LIZZO gave people permission to show up as they are and at the end of the show she literally stopped the music and engage with the audience and told people she saw them and loved their outfits.
Seeing fat people be dazzling on stage will never get old. She looked like a ’70s disco queen and it was such a moment to bear witness. To see her body freedom, sparkling body suits, confidence, and stage presence was delightful.
Having an ADA seat with enough legroom for this super-fat 6ft3 body, was truly one of the greatest gifts. To be comfortable while watching a Fat Icon take space on stage was simply the best.
So now I want to invite you to fill your IG feed, your TikTok feed, and your FB feed with Fat Excellence. We deserve to be inundated with visions of fat people living their wildest dreams because we don’t get to see that without seeking it out. You deserve to see yourself reflected in the environment around you. You deserve to follow your fattest wildest dreams!
with so much care,